Video of the Week "Sister Big Bones"

Shout out to all the Big Bone Fluffy women who've committed themselves to healthier lifestyles, weight loss and success!

Health & Happiness...

Challenge: Day 1

Today is Day 1 of the 30 Day Accountability Challenge! Sabrina and I are locked, loaded, and ready to go! 

Today I Will 
  • Drink at Least 64 oz of Water
  • Juice
  • Eat Dinner Before 7PM

I've already consumed 16.9 fl. oz of H2O, only have 47.1 to go (My Goal-at least 64 ounces daily). I'm only weighing and measuring myself twice in the 30 day span, today and December 19th. Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have had that lasagna last night. :)

Health & Happiness...

"30" Day Accountability Challenge w/Sabrina

I would like to introduce you to Sabrina, my accountability partner. Starting next Monday, I'll join Sabrina and 100+ other women who've vowed to make healthy changes in their lives. Thanks Kendra & Bridgette, you ladies ROCK!!

Sabrina's 30 Day Challenge Goals
  • Eliminate Unhealthy Starches 
  • Eat Only When Hungry  (Not when bored)
  • Exercise at Least 4x a Per Week (Minimum)
  • No Eating After 8PM 

My 30 Day Challenge Goals 
  • Drink at Least 64 oz of Water Daily.
  • Juice at Least 4x Per Week.
  •  No Heavy Eating After 7PM.
  • No Eating After 9PM. 
  •  In Bed by 10PM at Least 3 Nights Per Week.
 Monthly Weight Loss Goal: 8lbs 

Wishing all the ladies much success!

Health & Happiness...

I'm Back!

After enduring a pint of depression, 1 cup of discouragement and a pinch of laziness, I'M BACK!! Smooches to everyone who showed love and encouraged me on my blue days. Special thank you to my family and Stacey Strickler!!!! Love you all.

Starting 11/19/12-12/19/12 I'll be participating in a "30" Day Accountability Challenge. My partner's name is Sabrina Evans (Houston, Texas). We're both in the prep stage, but we'll be ready, committed and accountable starting Monday morning. Strength in Numbers.

Health & Happiness...

One Of Those Days

Yesterday was totally one of those days! Nothing went as planned...NOTHING! My To Do List exceeded the amount of hours in my day and I didn't accomplish much. Well, I did, but not really. EXHALE. I think I've rubbed my emotional eating off on the hubby. After our crazy/busy day he says, "I JUST WANT TO EAT!"  Lol. Nah brother, you definitely can't go jumping on the emotional eating bandwagon. Instead of pigging out we had a healthy dinner and went for pedicures.

One day at a time...

About To Lose It

OMG, August was the craziest month ever! Meetings, appointments, emails, social media updates, texts, phone calls, outlines, timelines, deadlines...The Life of a Boss. 

Half way thru August I fell off a bit. I went on a sugar binge. My drugs of choice- plain M&M's & walnuts and nutty bars. What?! It was something serious. SMH. Anyway, today is September 1st and I'm back focused. Whoot whoot.


Take my vitamins daily
Juice at least once a week
Wash veggies & fruit in advance
Increase H2O intake

Hmmm, I guess I need to go visit the scale to see how much damage I've caused. :(


Vacation- Dining in Turks & Caicos (July 2012)

I'm sharing with you some of our food choices made while on vacation last month in Turks & Caicos. I must warn you, most of them aren't healthy. Lol.

Little taste of island life in Turks & Caicos

The hubby- Ackee & Saltfish
Me- Rum Punch

The hubby- Conch Salad

Me- Eggs, Grits, Plantains and fruit punch (in the background)
Me- Cracked Conch

The hubby- Conch Fritters

The hubby-Fried Grouper, Plantains, Rice & Peas, Mac & Cheese and local beer (background)
Me- Cracked Conch (this was the best cracked conch )

Me- Jerk Chicken, Rice & Peas, Plantains and fruit punch (background)

The hubby- Oxtails, Potato Salad and Rice & Peas

Me- Roasted Chicken with Mushroom Risotto

Me- Caesar Salad with Plantain Chips and Bacon Strips
Us ;-)

The hubby- Sauteed Conch, Rice & Peas and Veggies

Me- Waffles and freshly squeezed OJ (not seen)
Me- Garden Salad

Us- BBQ Wings
Me- Rum Punch

Me- After getting sick (no more food for me)  :(

Picnic in the Park

Photo Credit: Ctbites
I'm thinking about planning a mini picnic on Sunday.  In the past, my picnic basket staples were: macaroni salad, fresh fried chicken (I would fry it right before leaving), a garden salad, lemon pound cake, and a bottle of wine. Ummhmm. Those were the good, I mean fat ole days. Lol. I ran the thought by my husband and what was the first thing he asked? "Are you going to bake a lemon pound cake and fry some chicken?!" Smh. What is a girl to do?

Who can recommend some healthier choices?  
Thanking you in advance.


Laugh of the Day

If only it was this easy...

Have a great day ladies.


My Top 5 Reasons For Losing Weight

Me at my heaviest (70's Party).

5. SAY CHEESE- I consider myself to be photogenic, however, I dislike taking photos. Taking one picture for me can turn into a full-fledged photo shoot. Lol. The picture has to be taken over until I'm satisfied or I give up (my family can vouch for this). So losing the weight will make it easier on everyone (me and the photographer). Hush Quay!

4. CLOTHES SWAP- One of the benefits of having sisters is the ability to trade, swap and borrow clothes. Reminiscing... Those were the good ole days. The last time I borrowed an article of clothing from one of my sisters I was in college.  For the past 15+ years the only items I've borrowed from my sisters were accessories. What I wouldn't give to be able to pick up the phone and say, "Hey Sis let me borrow your..." 

3. I HATE SHOPPING- Let's go to the mall. You will probably never hear me utter those words unless I need to hit the MAC store, Sephora or I'm cravin bourbon chicken w/steam veggies. LOL.  Why?  Because I hate shopping!  Plus size clothes are too expensive (you have to pay for that extra fabric) and the selections are horrible.  Ugghh, let's not talk about shoes. When I gained weight I think my feet did too.  If a store doesn't carry W (wide width) I keep it moving.  Pouting. I want to shop at the $9.99 shoe store too.

2. OVERALL WELL-BEING- Reduce joint pain, better posture, decrease all health risks associated with obesity.

1. I'M OVER IT- I'm sick and tired of carrying this extra person around. PERIOD.


I'm Still Here

Ten days ago I was super excited and ready to depart for a romantic, fun and relaxing 6 day vacation with the hubby. The first 2 days were fabulous, but it quickly went downhill after that. Simply put, while on vacation I contracted a virus and I spent the last 8 days sick as a dog. I'm not 100%, but I'm feeling substantially better. Special thanks to my husband for being so understanding, loving and caring. Love you man! The ER doctor said I need plenty rest, so I'll be back on my journey next week. :-)

Outbreak in Turk & Caicos


Please Pass the Pop

I've never been a habitual soda popper, but I won't lie, sometimes you need something stronger than water or juice. I personally don't drink diet sodas because they contain Aspartame, so if I decide to pop a top please give me the real deal. :-) If you drink soda/pop/fizz (whatever you call it) enjoy it occasionally or in moderation. I use to work with this lady who drank cokes all day (no joke). When she walked in the door she had a 32oz cup of coke, when she went to lunch she refilled her cup, by the afternoon that cup was refilled again. Trust and believe, when she retired home in the evening that badboy was refilled a couple more times. One day I had to ask, "Do you drink anything other than Coke?! Do you EVER drink water?!" Her response, "Yes, I drink water when I brush my teeth." I was too thru! I know her urine had to be the same color of those cokes. SMH. Got to be more careful. Having said all that, I wanted to share this with you: (click photo to enlarge) Harmful Soda
Via: Term Life Insurance

I Hate Beans

Growing up there was 1 food I hated, BEANS. It didn't matter if they were lima beans, kidney beans, navy beans, or black eyed peas, I didn't like them. I spent hours (seemed like) at the dinner table hoping my parents would have pity on me and allow me to discard them...They didn't! So I tried to hide them. I would put the beans in my napkin and throw it behind the heater (thinking they would magically disappear) or I would stuff the beans in my mouth (like a hamster), present my parents a clean plate and then run to the trash to spit them out. My parents apparently got hip to my game and made me stand in front of them to chew and swallow.  My solution? I drowned them in ketchup. LOL. Yes, I was a hot mess.

Over the years I've grown to APPRECIATE (not like) beans. Check out some of their benefits here.

How could I creatively add beans & avocado (not a fan) into my diet?  I could make a bean salad. Guess what? I LOVED IT!

Ingredients I used: Avocado, Cilantro, Fresh Garlic, Lime, Honey, Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Mrs. Dash, Red Onions, Tomato, Fresh Corn and Black Beans. 

I put the black bean salad over ground turkey, added a few sun chips and a dollop of sour cream. It was the truth! Hmmm, I may even be able to come up with a creative way to add cottage cheese to my diet.  Nah, I'll pass :)


You Don't Need to Lose Weight

"You're fine just the way you are."  Aww, Thank You.
"You're not FAT, you have a shape." Haha. Really?! Pow, Pow, Pow

There are many reasons why people lose weight or want to lose weight.
I'm healthy, curvy, sexy and confident. So why did I decide to embark on this journey?

On Monday I'll post My Top 5 Reasons For Losing Weight.


Stylish Plus Size Swimwear

Why didn't anyone inform me it would be a part-time job finding stylish, trendy, sexy, plus size swimwear?! Yes, we carry extra cushion, but that doesn't mean we're uncomfortable in the skin we're in. GET IT TOGETHER SWIMWEAR DESIGNERS!  Thinking...What if I designed a swimwear line for plus size, curvy, bootylicious women? Hmmm....

After weeks of searching, I finally found something to fit my taste. :) Pictured below are some of my faves. Without hesitation I would definitely rock at least 5 of these. I've already started my Wish List. Whoot Whoot!

Monif C


Simply Be


Food Journal

Last week my focus wasn't on making plates, but I was still able to capture a few photos for my food journal. 

Breakfast: Breakfast Tacos (2 eggs, scallions, asparagus, cheese and 1 slice of bacon), Strawberries & 1/2 Banana

Lunch: Lettuce Wraps (romaine lettuce w/ tuna), Mangos & Blueberries

Dinner: Turkey Meatloaf with a Cucumber, Green Apple and Tomato salad


Day 16

I started this journey 16 days ago and sadly I've already slipped off the healthy eating wagon (not totally though). The first 9 days were fantastic, but the last 6 have been difficult. My dad was rushed to the emergency room 8 days ago and has been in the hospital since.  He is my superman, so seeing him weak, in pain and suffering took its toll on me mentally and emotionally. Not being able to physically (exercise) release my anxiety I turned to food (sugar). At the moment my schedule is totally out of whack, but as of today, I'm back on track. EXHALE...

I love you daddy!


First Weigh-In 273lbs

Displayed below are my "BEFORE" photos taken yesterday. Is this really how I look (looking over my shoulder, looking down, looking to the side)? Slapped in the face by reality. So you're saying my mirror has been lying to me all these years?! SMH

It's truly an eye-opening and humbling experience to see myself as others do (physically that is). How am I perceived? How has carrying this added weight affected my health? Besides stretching my skin, what permanent damage have I already caused? Ughhh

Don't get it twisted, I love me some me, but I'll love the healthier sculpted me even more. 


Day 1

Of course, as expected, Day 1 of my journey was a success! 

Early Morning workout: 30 minutes of Slim in 6 with Debbie Siebers

Breakfast: Granny Apple, Mango and Tuna

Lunch: Garden Salad w/ tomato, red onion, broccoli, spinach, 
boiled egg, mango and grilled chicken
Homemade Vinaigrette

Dinner: Cedar Planked Atlantic Salmon
Sauteed Spinach w/fresh garlic, onion, and bacon.



About Me

My Photo
Foodie, business owner, chocoholic, sugar addict, and makeup & accessory lover on a mission to becoming a healthier person. Weight loss goal 100 lbs. This is my journey...